Sunday, May 4, 2014

My Manifesto

Daniel Fiallo
Ms.Sierra & Mr.Patterson
Manifesto  12.1
4 May 2014
Daniel Fiallo:  My Manifesto

My name is Daniel Orlando Fiallo Jaime. I was born in Bucaramanga, Colombia and raised in Miami, Florida. I am a student, an ambitious entrepreneur, outgoing person, fluent speaker in English and Spanish, athlete, basketball player, good speaker, team player, exceptional computer user, a leader, and a person with amazing potential. This paper you are reading was assigned to me in order to identify my inspirations, motivations and dreams.

In the year 2000 my family and I moved to the United States to Miami Florida I lived there for twelve years living a sheltered life. We first moved  to an apartment complex named “Fontanblue” my family had no money and so us five my two brothers ,mom ,and dad had to share a two bedroom apartment the only thing we were able to afford where the beds which where three. This is where I learned the value of a dollar. Never take things for granted my dad always told me. In the year 2004 at the tender age of nine I began working with my dad in the flea market. Some wouldn’t call that working but when you’re nine it sure feels like it.In the year 2005 I moved with my family to a city called Doral. Our economic situation was much better now I remember when I was living in Fontanblue my dad would bring things from the dumps some of these items included sofas, computer parts and chairs.

Now, at the age of ten I moved into Doral I was the new kid. But who really is the new kid in third grade? I was happy we were no longer living in a place that can be considered a ghetto for Hispanics but instead a place where people had more than they needed. During summer in my fifth year of elementary school I became obsessed with playing video games and dammit I was so good. I could beat people four years older than me .But in my life this is probably the moment I learned that obsession is not a good thing. I became fat although I was athletic I was fat. I could beat other people at sports but they would just laugh and call me fat. My three years in middle school where the worst three years of my life filled with no friends and being the subject of ridicule. Not only that but I learned not to break the rules I became a trouble maker being in the principal’s office at least once a month. Middle school taught me very valuable lessons, behave, say no to obsessions and don’t be fat.

In high school I dropped my obsessions with video games, joined the wrestling team became fascinated with technology and began my love for basketball. I became so fit wrestling practice from 2:40pm to 4:40pm and basketball in the park everyday till from 5:30pm to 8:30pm. I was happy new people and friends I was having the time of my life. My fascination with technology made me a very well informed person at fifteen years of age at this point I began to work at my uncle’s cellphone shop. I learned to fix phones working there I learned another lesson fix things don’t throw them away and buy something new just because it’s easier.

For two years in a row I attended an entrepreneurship camp called “Ultimate Life Summit” ULS for short. In this camp I learned their 7 mindsets: Everything is Possible, Passion First, We Are Connected, 100% Accountable, Attitude of Gratitude, Live to Give, and The Time is Now! These are the 7 mindsets that choose to live by and follow every day. Apart from learning these priceless mindsets I received Dale Carnegie training giving me exceptional public speaking abilities. Those two years were what really inspired me to chase my dreams and challenge myself. Those two years helped me make my decision of choosing to become a business administrator.

The year 2012 my whole life changed. I moved to Colombia my native place of birth. Boom! What a culture shock that was! I became the new kid this time in eleventh grade in a school were fellow peers have been together since pre-kindergarten. I truly felt like such an outsider. This experience gave me a little curiosity about different cultures the summer of my eleventh year of high school I traveled to Europe with my brothers. Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Belgium, and France. God what a trip. I met so many people, became a man, and learned what the world has to offer. I decided in that moment I wanted to become an International Business Administrator. I want to learn all the things other country’s apply and bring that into my native place of birth Colombia and make it better.

The year 2014 Dubai, spring break. As soon as I arrived to Dubai I was speechless how something can that was desert ten years ago be this modern? The will of man to move towards the future is fantastic. During my time in Dubai I learned that the king of Dubai Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum plans to turn Dubai into the tourist capital of the world. How? This is what truly inspired me. The king sent all his most trusted peers all over the world and told them: why do people want to go there? Whatever is there tell me. And so the idea of Dubai Land came to be. Dubai Land is a project that is set to become an international tourism hub. My time in Dubai truly let me see that everything is possible.

Seeing the globalization of the world in Ten years I see myself opening charities, owning my own international business, managing properties, having the best human resources I can have ,and applying all the techniques that I have I learned in institutions, seminars and international communities into the workplace.

            Albert Einstein once said “We cannot solve problems we face with the same level of thinking that created them.” I will help shape the world into a place where we are all equal. I will help shape the world into a place where there is no poverty. I will help shape the world into a place where we can share each other’s cultures without fear of prejudice. I will help shape the world into a place where everyone can have a job. I will help shape the world into a place where we can ask for help and receive it with a smile.

This is my declaration as a student, an ambitious entrepreneur, outgoing person, fluent speaker in English and Spanish, athlete, basketball player, good speaker, team player, exceptional computer user, a leader, and a person with amazing potential. I know I will accomplish all of this because everything is possible!

Works Cited
Shickler, Scott, and Jeff Waller. The 7 Mindsets to Live Your Ultimate Life. Roswell: Magic Wand Foundation. 2014. Print

SparkNotes Editors. “SparkNote on Albert Einstein.” SparkNotes LLC. 2005. Web. 30 Apr. 2014.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

"The Light Bulb Conspiracy" and how it changed my way of thinking.

The "Light Bulb Conspiracy" is a film that discusses the principles of planned obsolescence and how it came into practice . This film also discusses some of the cons about planned obsolescence such as compulsive shopping and the pollution produced from waste of products meant  that were meant to be be discarded of.The film also primarily focuses on the light bulb conspiracy which is a conspiracy that company lowered the hours that light bulbs can work to 1000 hours in order to have planned obsolescence and make a big profit.

I am a person that thinks in a very mathematical way  and my point of view before this film was that its a good business plan. In fact, I still think it is this film just made me feel more aware about how we humans use loop holes in order to mess up our planet. I think we should continue with planned obsolescence because it keeps the economy going. We as a society are to adapt to this way of living. I strongly believe we should invent  a plastic that is bio degradable.

Mla Citation
Dannoritzer, Cosima, i C. J. Úbeda, Patrice Barrat, Molly Malcolm, Marc M. Sarrado, Georgia Wyss, Marta Andrés, and Joan P. Gil. The Light Bulb Conspiracy: The Untold Story of Planned Obsolescence. San Francisco, CA: Video Project, 2011.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Weekend Post The Collapse Of An Empire

The documentary "Four Horsemen States" that every empire come crashing down every 250 something years. Another important thing mentioned in the film is that an empire is near its end when its in the age of decadence. The age of decadence is when society is obsess with glamour and sex. In the words mentioned in the film:
   "There are common features to every age of decadence: an undisciplined and over extended military, the conspicuous display of wealth, a massive disparity between rich and poor, a desire to live off a bloated state, and an obsession with sex."
The strongest  implication of an empire ending is the disbandment of currency which in fact the United States did when the got of the gold standard.

In my opinion, if the "empire" of the United States ends  the whole world will be affected. The reason I strongly believe this is because third world country's have a very strong reliance on the United States. Although there is a lot of cons I believe there is one good pro that will come from this.Third world country's will start to rely on themselves.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Spring Post 2 "Colombian Monetary System"

The Colombian monetary system is composed in the following ways: First, The Colombia monetary policies are articulated by a Monetary Board, Second, the banking operations are operated, regulated and supervised by The Banking Super Intendancy. Third, The Central Bank conducts monetary policy based on the financial sector. The Central Bank then determines the amount of currency in the system and makes other verdicts in line with indicators such as inflation and growth of the economy.
The monetary policy in Colombia according to the Banco de Republica “is to reach and maintain a low and stable inflation rate, and to achieve a long-term GDP growth trend. This is the only way to achieve sustained growth rates that will generate employment and improve the population’s quality of life. Otherwise, if the economy does not grow on a sustained basis, sooner or later a crisis will occur with serious consequences for the economy, leading to worsening social indicators, loss of public confidence, lowered investment and higher unemployment.” In conclusion the primary policy is to reach a low inflation rate and a long-term GDP. This is to to keep a sustained economic growth in order to generate employment.

I would say the Monetary system in Colombia and the U.S are similar in the aspect that both of them have a Central Bank like institution one with the US having the Federal Reserve and Colombia with a Central Bank also they both work by creating money out of debit and inflation.

MLA Citations

"Encyclopedia of the Nations." Colombia Money, Information about Money in Colombia. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2014.

"Banco De La República (Banco Central De Colombia)." Banco De La República (Banco Central De Colombia). N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2014.

Zeitgeist Addendum. Dir. Peter Joseph. Perf. Peter Joseph. YouTube., 2009. Web. 4 Apr. 2014.

Spring Post 1 " Fractional Reserve Banking"

What I understood in the film "Zeitgeist Addendum" Fractional Reserve Banking is a system under which bankers keep as capital only a portion of the funds the hold on deposit. For example the reserve requirement for a bank is only 10% this means that with a ten million dollar deposit, 10% or 1 million is held as the obligatory reserve, while the other 1 million is considered an unwarranted reserve and can be used as the basis for new loans.

Now of course, it is logical to accept that this 9 million is literally coming out of the existing 10 million dollars deposit. However, this is actually not the situation. What really occurs is that the 9 million is simply produced out of thin air, on top of the existing 10 million dollar deposit (Zeitgeist Addendum).In conclusion, money created out of dept/inflation and and out of thin air.

In my opinion the Fractional Reserve banking system makes no sense. Banks are essentially loaning out money to people that doesn't exist. I believe the best economic system is the one with a set amount of currency. For example, one based on gold or silver coins this way the value of the currency is stable. A system where the money equals dept is dumb.

MLA Citation
Zeitgeist Addendum. Dir. Peter Joseph. Perf. Peter Joseph. YouTube., 2009. Web. 4 Apr. 2014.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Weekend Post 1 "Food inc" and "Economic Hit Man"

1. How does Food Inc relate to issues of RACE, and ECONOMIC or CORPORATE control (as in Economic Hit Men)? We have been exposed to many ideas these last few weeks. Think of all the issues in the RACE film, CONFESSIONS of an ECONOMIC HIT MAN and in FOOD INC. 
IDENTIFY 3 ways these films and issues overlap. Address this relationship. 

"Food Inc's" relation to race and economic control in contrast to "Economic Hit Men" is very similar. In the film "Food Inc" it is mention that large industry's control most of the worlds food. In Economic Hit Men   it is also mentioned that large corporations control most of the worlds politics and economics.The similarity being economic control of course. To continue, "Food Inc" and "Economic Hit Men" are very similar because in both  the film and the book it is mention that large industries/ corporations offer a solutions to a problem. 

Last but no least, in "Food inc they offer farmers seeds and better equipment in "Economic Hit Men" they offer third world countries a chance to industrialize. however, here is were the problem and the biggest similarity  between "Food Inc" and "Economic Hit men" lies . The objective of the food industries and the corporations is to place farmers and countries in debt. This allows the industries and corporations to  have farmers and countries on an economic leash.

Mla Citations

Food, Inc. Dir. Robert Kenner. Magnolia Pictures, 2008. Documentary.
Perkins, John. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. New York: Plume, 2006. Print.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Weekend Post 2 "Bin Laden son-in-law guilty of terrorism"

2. 2 paragraph summary of current topic in the NEWS. GO TO AL Jazeera and find an article or video there. Cite the course and include your interpretation of it.  (

So in this news a son-in-law  of Osama bin Laden Abu Ghaith has been found guilty of conspiracy to kill Americans,conspiring to provide support to al-Qaeda and providing support to al-Qaeda. It turns out that Gaith testified  that he  answered bin Ladens' request after the September 11,2001 attack and started to recruit new followers willing to go on missions like 9/11 ("Bin Laden son-in-law guilty of terrorism").

In my opinion this charge is justified Abu Ghaith has said things like "The storm of airplanes will not stop," in front of a jury. He was captured and taken to court and participated in trial so to me it was a fair that he was found of guilty . If anything i thnk Abu Ghaith  should have been found guilty sooner.

"Bin Laden Son-in-law Guilty of Terrorism." Aljazeera. N.p., 26 Mar. 2014. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.
Link to news.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Weekend Post 2 "Identify and explain at least two global or regionalconsequences of Economic Hit men practices."

In his book "Confessions of an Economic Hitman"Johns Perkons definition of an economic hit man is as follows "highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. They funnel money from the World Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and other foreign ‘aid' organizations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet's natural resources."

Although it can be considered conspiracy or fact depending how you see it  John Perkins backs up all he states with evidence and personal experience.

One example of how an Economic Hit Man affected a region would be  the country of Panama.Perkins was sent to Panama to strike a deal with Panama. The objective was to of course help Panama to get in dept with the US in order to go back to being a puppet .Perkins, however failed an because of this  Omar Torrijos (Ex-President of Panama) was killed(Confessions of an Economic Hitman).

Another effect was when Torrijo was replaced by Manuel Noriegua who according to Perkins "became a symbol of corruption and decadence." This according  to Perkins statement in the film Zeitgeist Addendum gave the US an excuse to invade Panama and make Panama their puppet again(Zeitgeist Addendum).

Zeitgeist Addendum. Dir. Peter Joseph. Perf. Peter Joseph. YouTube., 2009. Web. 23 Mar. 2014.

Perkins, John. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. New York: Plume, 2006. Print.

Edit 3/25/2014: fixed minor spelling mistakes

Weekend Post 1 "Russia to Europe: We can do whatever we want"

This news has to do with the annexation of Crimea into Russia. A debate was sparked March 21st during the "Brussels Forum, an annual gathering of European and American politicians and experts, including the Russian ambassadors to the EU and Nato"(Pop).I found this news quite interesting because it shows NATOs  and Russia's side of the story.

Vladamir Chizov states  "This is true, but there is also the international law enshrining the principle of indivisibility of security. Nobody will improve their security at the expense of the security of others. Nato is free to take any decision. And Russia is free to take any decision to protect its legitimate security" interest,"During this debate Russia basically defended its right to be able to make any decision to defend its legitimate security interest.

On the other hand nations expresses there anger towards Russia. Federica Mogherin the Italian Foreign minister said, "So let's bomb Russia? What is the solution."Other nations were also concerned about what would happened if they let Russia get away with the annexation of Crimea.

In conclusion, two sides one saying they can do what they want for security purposes and the  other worried about what the annexation can lead up to in the future.

Pop, Valentina. "Russia to Europe: We Can Do Whatever We Want." Euobserver. Euobserver, 23 Mar. 2014. Web. 23 Mar. 2014.


Edit 3/25/2014: Fixed hyper link and minor spelling mistakes.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Weekend Post 2 News " Nevada health dept. allows treating PTSD with marijuana"

Alright my readers. It turns out a veteran form the state of Nevada made it his goal to add Post Traumatic Stress Disorder to the list of  conditions that the use medical marijuana apply to. This veterans name is Dr. David Udy. He suffered mental scars and physical scars from the Vietnam war and because of the use of Agent Orange in that war. Udy says " many veterans self-medicate with either alcohol or drugs. He says" medical treatments available can make things worse." “They give you a series of medications of pills essentially that just dilute your life to nonexistence.”

So basically he won and petitioned against the state and now PTSD is on the list of conditions that the use of medical marijuana is allowed. I honestly think this victory is great when i lived in the United Sates i had a friend that his grandpa was in the Vietnam war and he was a drunk .He lost his left ear in the Vietnam war and suffered from PTSD. If this spreads to other states it would be amazing because it would mean that veterans have a safer alternative other than sedatives to help with their PTSD.

Link to The Story

Weekend Post 1 What Is Race To Me

My race is white. Well that's how most of the world sees it. My dad and mom are actually both Colombian however, I am Caucasian. In my school people call me gringo and white.It Turns out I am neither of those races its an invention created by society to separate the upper class from the lower class.There is no denying being white has benefits.

In the film "Race: The Power of an Illusion" they say that in society whites earn more than blacks. Its true. i ask myself which are the richest country where there is less poverty? The United States and the United Kingdom are the first names that pop to my head. Ghetto neighborhoods in the US are made up of Hispanics and African Americans. I know this from first hand experience because when i first moved into the United States we had no money and we lived in a pretty bad neighborhood.Race to me exists but as an invention society created, its a classification, and it its like a dice you cant roll. 

  • Pounder, C C. H, Larry Adelman, Jean Cheng, Christine Herbes-Sommers, Tracy H. Strain, Llewellyn Smith, and Claudio Ragazzi. Race: The Power of an Illusion. San Francisco, Calif: California Newsreel, 2003.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Weekend Post 2 Free write." 'First' weed TV ad on major networks has false start"

Hey Hey I am back and I am here to talk about some recent news that well happened today. So it turns out Comcast agreed to air an ad about medical marijuana and as it so happens it never aired!!!! This would have been the first major TV ad for marijuana.  I believe the reason it wasn't aired was because people would have become aware about the benefits of marijuana

So where am i getting at. Well i believe if this ad was aired it would have had an incredible impact on the campaigns to legalize marijuana. Its common knowledge people are total suckers for TV ads. Some people with power don't want cannabis legalized even if now and days the majority of us citizens wants marijuana legalized. My question is whats taking so long?!?!Why didn't the ad air? Wtf Comcast?

Citation and A Video
"'First' Weed TV Ad on Major Networks Has False Start." San Francisco, Oakland & San Jose: Bay Area News, Weather &... N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2014.

Weekend Post 1 Share Link

Hello Everyone Today i want to share a link Sooo what is this link? Well this url will send you to the world of Reddit in a special section calla IAMA( I am _____ ask mi anything).In this subeditor you will find famous people doing interviews with the whole internet. Whether its a politician , actor ,or ex cons this is the place to ask them questions.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Weekend Post 3 Interesting link

I want to share a link . This is a very interesting website about the current situation in Syria. Anytime something happens in Syria this is the first place it appears. I also urge my readers to  look into the situation in Syria.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Weekend Post 2

To understand the Syrian Civil war people need to be aware of the factions. I decided to go online and do some research and i came a very interesting post.This post mentions every faction in Syria.

As someone that follows news in Syria this information came very handy as now when i see a new news arrive about an attack or murder i can come back to this list. I urge any one that cares about syria to look over the groups.

Mla Citation 
KingQajar . "Basic Guide to Factions in the Syrian Civil War - 2014 - Part III - Free Syrian Army"Reddit. Reddit,03 Jan. 2014. Web. 4 March. 2014.

Here is a link to a post and the post itself

Ababeel Battalion - Unit of the FSA. Operates in Aleppo Governorate.
Aboul Fidaa Battalion - Unit of the FSA. Operates in Hama Governorate. Named for the medieval Kurdish scholar.
Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah Battalion - Unit of the FSA. Operates in Damascus Governorate. Named for the Supreme Commander of the Rashidun Caliphate's Army.
Al-Furqan Battalion - Unit of the FSA. Operates in Idlib Governorate. Named for the 25th Sura of the Quran that explains that the book itself is the decisive factor between Good and Evil.
Ahmad Nayef al-Sukhni Battalion - Unit of the FSA. Operates in Ar-Raqqah.
Allahu Akbar Battalion - Unit of the FSA. Operates in Abu Kamal. Named for the Islamic phrase to praise God.
Ammar bin Yasir Brigade - Rebel group. Operates in Idlib Governorate. Named for one of Muhammad's most loyal companions.
Ansar Brigade - Unit of the FSA.
Bakkour Battalion - Unit of the FSA. Operates in Homs Governorate. Possibly named for Adnan al-Bakkour, the attorney general of Hama Governorate who resigned after a violent crackdown on protesters.
Dawn of Freedom Battalion - Unit of the FSA. Operates in Homs Governorate.
Farouq Brigades - Sunni Islamist group that is headquartered and operating in Homs. Claims to have 14,000-20,000 soldiers.
Free Men of Syria Brigade - Rebel group.
Ghuraba al-Sham - Secular group within the FSA. They have less than 100 members.
Hamzah Al-Khateeb - Rebel group. Operates in Idlib City. Named for the child who was tortured to death by the Syrian government.
Harmoush Battalion - Rebel group. Operates in Idlib Governorate.
Houriyeh Battalion - Rebel group. Operates in Aleppo.
Jesus Christ Brigade - Rebel group. Named for the main figure in Christianity.
  • God's Supporters Battalion - Unit of the FSA.
Lions of Shahba Battalion - Rebel group. Operates in Aleppo Governorate. Named for the Roman city south of Damascus.
Liwaa al-Umma - Paramilitary group acting as light infantry for the FSA. Has 6,000+ soldiers.
Martyrs Ma'arat Nu'man Battalion - Rebel group. Operates in Idlib Governorate. Named for the martyrs of a northwestern city in Syria.
Mishaal Tammo Battalion - Unit of the FSA. Operates in Qamishli. Named for the Pro-Kurdish rights politician who is suspected to have been murdered by the Syrian government.
Moawiyah Bin Abi Sufian - Rebel group. Operates in Damascus. Named for Muawiyah I, the first Caliph of the Umayyad Dynasty.
Moaz Al-Raqad Battalion - Unit of the FSA. Operates in Deir ez-Zor Governorate.
  • Al-Moata Brigade - Unit of the FSA.
  • Osoud al-Sunna Brigade - Unit of the FSA.
  • Zi Qar Brigade - Unit of the FSA. Possibly named for Dhi Qar Province in Iraq, which holds the ruins of the Sumerian civilization.
National Unity Brigades - Rebel group that advocates for unadulterated democracy. Operates in Idlib Governorate and Damascus. Has 2,000 fighters.
  • Abdel Rahman al-Shabandar Brigade - Unit of the FSA. Named for the prominent Syrian nationalist during the French Mandate.
  • Ahmad Maryoud Brigade - Unit of the FSA.
  • Joul Jamal Brigade - Unit of the FSA. Named for the supposed martyr.
  • Martyrs of the Syrian Revolution Brigade - Unit of the FSA.
  • Martyrs of the Wastani Mountains Brigade - Unit of the FSA.
  • Tamer Al-Awam Brigade - Unit of the FSA. Named for the late Syrian filmmaker and journalist.
  • Youssef Al-Admeh Brigade - Unit of the FSA.
Northern Storm Brigade - Unit of the FSA.
Odai Al-Tayi Battalion - Unit of the FSA. Operates in Hasakh.
Omari Battalion - Rebel group. Operates in Daraa and Hauran.
Omar ibn al-Khattab Battalion - Rebel group. Operates in Deir ez-Zor City. Named for Umar, the 2nd Caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate.
Qashoush Battalion - Rebel group. Operates in Hama City. Named for Ibrahim Qashoush, a Syrian poet who was murdered and had his vocal cords cut out by the Syrian government.
Qassam Battalion - Rebel group. Operates in Jableh. Named for the armed movement of Islam.
Ramy al-Saeed Battalion - Rebel group. Operates in Homs Governorate. Named for the citizen journalist killed in a Syrian government attack on Homs.
  • Rijal al-Umma Brigade - Unit of the FSA.
Saad Allah Al-Jabiri Battalion - Rebel group. Operates in Homs Governorate. Named for the two-time Prime Minister of Syria.
Saad bin Moaz Battalion - Rebel group. Operates in Hama Governorate.
  • Al-Nasser Brigades - Unit of the FSA.
  • Ziaab al-Ghab Brigade - Unit of the FSA.
Saint George Battalion - Unit of the FSA. Named for the Syrian-born Roman Saint.
Salaheddine Al-Ayoubi Battalion - Unit of the FSA. Operates out of Jisr al-Shughur. Named after Saladin, the Sultan of Egypt and Sham.
Samer Nunu Battalion - Unit of the FSA. Operates in Baniyas.
Shield of Islam Battalion - Unit of the FSA. Operates in Idlib Governorate.
Soqour Dimashq Battalion - Rebel group. Operates in Damascus.
  • Osama bin Laden Brigade - Unit of the FSA. Named for the infamous terrorist leader of Al-Qaeda.
Sultan Pasha Al-Atrash Battalion - Unit of the FSA. Operates in As-Suwayda Governorate. Named after the Commander General of the 1925 Syrian Revolution.
Suqur Battalion - Unit of the FSA. Operates in Latakia.
Syrian Revolutionaries Front - Alliance within the FSA that was created in response to the creation of the Islamic Front.
  • Ahrar al-Shamal Brigade - Unit of the FSA.
  • Ahrar al-Zawia Brigades - Unit of the FSA.
  • Ansar Brigades - Unit of the FSA.
  • Coming Victory Brigades - Unit of the FSA.
  • Farouq al-Shamal Brigades - Unit of the FSA. Operates in Homs and Rastan. Accused of being assisted by Turkey.
  • Farouq Batallions of Hama - Unit of the FSA. Operates in Hama Governorate.
  • Ghab Wolves Brigade - Unit of the FSA. Named for the fertile depression in northwest Syria.
  • Idlib Martyrs' Brigade - Unit of the FSA. Operates in Idlib Governorate.
  • Idlib Military Council - Unit of the FSA. Operates in Idlib Governorate.
  • Ninth Division of Aleppo - Unit of the FSA. Operates in Aleppo.
  • Riyad al-Salehin Battalions of Damascus - Unit of the FSA. Operates in Damascus. Named for The Gardens of the Righteous, a collection of hadiths.
  • Seventh Division - Unit of the FSA.
  • Special Assignments Regiment of Damascus - Unit of the FSA. Operates in Damascus.
  • Syrian Martyrs' Brigade - Unit of the FSA. Headquarted in Jabal al-Zawiya, Idlib Governorate. Operates in Idlib and Aleppo. Created to honor the martyrs of the town of Jabal al-Zawiya. Has 7,000-12,000 soldiers.
Syrian Turkmen Brigades - Armed resistance group dedicated to fighting for Syrian unity, democracy, and Turkmen rights. Has 3,000 fighters in Aleppo and 10,000 total.
Tel Kalakh Martyrs' Battalion - Rebel group. Operates in Homs Governorate. Named for the martyrs of a city in northwestern Syria.
  • Al-Karama Brigade - Unit of the FSA.
  • Shuhuda al-Badiya Brigade - Unit of the FSA.
19th Division - Unit of the FSA.
Lethal Military Support - Countries that ship weapons and men to the Free Syrian Army.
  • Muslim Brotherhood of Syria - Islamic democratic organization. Ships weapons to the FSA.
  • Qatar - Islamic absolute monarchist state. Ships weapons to the FSA.
  • Saudi Arabia - Islamic absolute monarchist state. Ships weapons to the FSA.
  • Turkey - Secular democratic state. Ships weapons to the FSA.
  • United States - Secular democratic nuclear weapons state with 2nd largest active military in the world. Ships weapons to the FSA.
Non-Lethal Military Support - Countries that give funding, logistical support, fuel, and other materials to assist the FSA.
  • France - Secular democratic nuclear weapons state. Sends non-lethal military aid to the FSA.
  • Kuwait - Islamic constitutional democratic state. Sends funding to the FSA.
  • United Kingdom -Christian constitutional monarchist nuclear weapons state. Sends funding to the FSA.

Weekend Post 1 "Dining With Terrorists: Meetings with the World's Most Wanted Militants"

This week in class we saw a short documentary called dining with terrorists. The documentary is about a man called Phil Reese and his adventure as his goes to Israel and Gaza first to talk with the Israelis and second to talk to the Palestinians.

 To me the most shocking thing about this film is when Phil is talking to an Israeli and asks him  why do you think you have the right to this land. The Israeli tells him "because its in the Bible". I was so shocked because that is not right a little book written thousands of years ago should not determine who owns land. Especially when the land belongs to someone else.

I found it interesting when Phil went to talk to some Palestinians int he west bank . They where crushed with the fact that the Israelis where slowly taking over their land . The land that was suppose to be for their decedents. 

Iam still reading his book 

"Dining With Terrorists: Meetings with the World's Most Wanted Militants "but so far wow.

Mla Citation
Rees, Phil. Dining with Terrorists: Meetings with the World's Most Wanted Militants. London: Macmillan, 2005. Print.

I want to share a link . This is a very interesting website about the current situation in Syria. Anytime something happens this is the first place it appears.
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Sunday, February 23, 2014

North vs South
I decided to write about the conflict between North Korea and South Korea. In the 19th century, Japan colonized Korea. After WWII, the Allies decided that Korea should be its own country(Independent from Japan). The Soviet Union occupied the northern part and the United States the southern.
The United States and the Soviet Union started setting up fake governments . The Soviets supplied a lot of arms and military training therefore  the North was much more powerful than the South.
In 1948, North Korea invaded South Korea and infact almost conquered it.Only with the help of the United States where the South able to turn the tide. The US tried to conquer North Korea in turn. This was stopped by China. In the end, the war ended almost exactly where it began.

North Korea and South Korea are still at war and only have an armistice. The North is supported by the  United States the North is supported by China.

The reason why i chose this conflict is because out of all the conflicts i have heard about its the one that catches my own attention.Its fascinating how North Korea developed such a militaristic government thanks  to the intervention from the Soviet Union. The picture  that is posted is how i see North Korea and South Korea. That might be a little ignorant but i think I am    not the only one that sees them this way. The fact  that this two country remain at war and there is civilians that cant see each other because they are separated by a border is truly heartbreaking.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Syria and Inhumanity.

Marwan – Syrian Boy Crossing Border / UNHCR Photo
Syria's numbers today are astounding: 130,000 dead (including thousands of children), more than 575,000 injured, nearly 3 million refugees outside Syria, nearly 5 million refugees displaced inside Syria; 43,000 Syrians detained and thousands suffering from starvation and lack of shelter. Then there are the latest revelations of Holocaust-like torture of thousands.

Once I actually saw the number of people getting massacred I was in complete shock. When there is a  total of 8 million refugees you know there is a problem. Why are people just killing each other? Where is the humanity? As a human being I can not even begin to imagine why someone would kill anyone.Now and days we have the technology to actually see just how gruesome the situation in Syria is. I remember once i got forwarded a link where a group of people where torturing a woman in Syria.They cut her bad, even decapitated her . I thought to myself how can someone do this?Worst how can someone film this?It does not justify there actions. I lost a little faith in humanity after seeing that video.

Monday, February 17, 2014

About Me (Here Goes)

My name is Daniel Fiallo i was born in Colombia. When i was 5 years old my family and I immigrated to the United States of America. For 12 years we lived in the U.S hoping to become residents and eventually citizens. Sadly, this was not possible and  in the year 2013 we voluntarily deported our self's out of the country because it was taking to long to complete the naturalization process.I don't regret leaving the U.S because I was living in my own little cloud. When i moved i realized that the world was an amazing place and that I have yet to see all of it. The people I am with now have taught me tolerance and to better educate myself. What else can I say I love basketball ,video games and history because I believe history keeps humanity connected.I wish there was more things I could write about but I am not confident in my ability to write my thoughts so i hope this blog will help me improve that aspect about my writing  .