Sunday, March 23, 2014

Weekend Post 1 "Russia to Europe: We can do whatever we want"

This news has to do with the annexation of Crimea into Russia. A debate was sparked March 21st during the "Brussels Forum, an annual gathering of European and American politicians and experts, including the Russian ambassadors to the EU and Nato"(Pop).I found this news quite interesting because it shows NATOs  and Russia's side of the story.

Vladamir Chizov states  "This is true, but there is also the international law enshrining the principle of indivisibility of security. Nobody will improve their security at the expense of the security of others. Nato is free to take any decision. And Russia is free to take any decision to protect its legitimate security" interest,"During this debate Russia basically defended its right to be able to make any decision to defend its legitimate security interest.

On the other hand nations expresses there anger towards Russia. Federica Mogherin the Italian Foreign minister said, "So let's bomb Russia? What is the solution."Other nations were also concerned about what would happened if they let Russia get away with the annexation of Crimea.

In conclusion, two sides one saying they can do what they want for security purposes and the  other worried about what the annexation can lead up to in the future.

Pop, Valentina. "Russia to Europe: We Can Do Whatever We Want." Euobserver. Euobserver, 23 Mar. 2014. Web. 23 Mar. 2014.


Edit 3/25/2014: Fixed hyper link and minor spelling mistakes.

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