Thursday, March 27, 2014

Weekend Post 2 "Bin Laden son-in-law guilty of terrorism"

2. 2 paragraph summary of current topic in the NEWS. GO TO AL Jazeera and find an article or video there. Cite the course and include your interpretation of it.  (

So in this news a son-in-law  of Osama bin Laden Abu Ghaith has been found guilty of conspiracy to kill Americans,conspiring to provide support to al-Qaeda and providing support to al-Qaeda. It turns out that Gaith testified  that he  answered bin Ladens' request after the September 11,2001 attack and started to recruit new followers willing to go on missions like 9/11 ("Bin Laden son-in-law guilty of terrorism").

In my opinion this charge is justified Abu Ghaith has said things like "The storm of airplanes will not stop," in front of a jury. He was captured and taken to court and participated in trial so to me it was a fair that he was found of guilty . If anything i thnk Abu Ghaith  should have been found guilty sooner.

"Bin Laden Son-in-law Guilty of Terrorism." Aljazeera. N.p., 26 Mar. 2014. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.
Link to news.

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