Sunday, February 23, 2014

North vs South
I decided to write about the conflict between North Korea and South Korea. In the 19th century, Japan colonized Korea. After WWII, the Allies decided that Korea should be its own country(Independent from Japan). The Soviet Union occupied the northern part and the United States the southern.
The United States and the Soviet Union started setting up fake governments . The Soviets supplied a lot of arms and military training therefore  the North was much more powerful than the South.
In 1948, North Korea invaded South Korea and infact almost conquered it.Only with the help of the United States where the South able to turn the tide. The US tried to conquer North Korea in turn. This was stopped by China. In the end, the war ended almost exactly where it began.

North Korea and South Korea are still at war and only have an armistice. The North is supported by the  United States the North is supported by China.

The reason why i chose this conflict is because out of all the conflicts i have heard about its the one that catches my own attention.Its fascinating how North Korea developed such a militaristic government thanks  to the intervention from the Soviet Union. The picture  that is posted is how i see North Korea and South Korea. That might be a little ignorant but i think I am    not the only one that sees them this way. The fact  that this two country remain at war and there is civilians that cant see each other because they are separated by a border is truly heartbreaking.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Syria and Inhumanity.

Marwan – Syrian Boy Crossing Border / UNHCR Photo
Syria's numbers today are astounding: 130,000 dead (including thousands of children), more than 575,000 injured, nearly 3 million refugees outside Syria, nearly 5 million refugees displaced inside Syria; 43,000 Syrians detained and thousands suffering from starvation and lack of shelter. Then there are the latest revelations of Holocaust-like torture of thousands.

Once I actually saw the number of people getting massacred I was in complete shock. When there is a  total of 8 million refugees you know there is a problem. Why are people just killing each other? Where is the humanity? As a human being I can not even begin to imagine why someone would kill anyone.Now and days we have the technology to actually see just how gruesome the situation in Syria is. I remember once i got forwarded a link where a group of people where torturing a woman in Syria.They cut her bad, even decapitated her . I thought to myself how can someone do this?Worst how can someone film this?It does not justify there actions. I lost a little faith in humanity after seeing that video.

Monday, February 17, 2014

About Me (Here Goes)

My name is Daniel Fiallo i was born in Colombia. When i was 5 years old my family and I immigrated to the United States of America. For 12 years we lived in the U.S hoping to become residents and eventually citizens. Sadly, this was not possible and  in the year 2013 we voluntarily deported our self's out of the country because it was taking to long to complete the naturalization process.I don't regret leaving the U.S because I was living in my own little cloud. When i moved i realized that the world was an amazing place and that I have yet to see all of it. The people I am with now have taught me tolerance and to better educate myself. What else can I say I love basketball ,video games and history because I believe history keeps humanity connected.I wish there was more things I could write about but I am not confident in my ability to write my thoughts so i hope this blog will help me improve that aspect about my writing  .