Wednesday, April 30, 2014

"The Light Bulb Conspiracy" and how it changed my way of thinking.

The "Light Bulb Conspiracy" is a film that discusses the principles of planned obsolescence and how it came into practice . This film also discusses some of the cons about planned obsolescence such as compulsive shopping and the pollution produced from waste of products meant  that were meant to be be discarded of.The film also primarily focuses on the light bulb conspiracy which is a conspiracy that company lowered the hours that light bulbs can work to 1000 hours in order to have planned obsolescence and make a big profit.

I am a person that thinks in a very mathematical way  and my point of view before this film was that its a good business plan. In fact, I still think it is this film just made me feel more aware about how we humans use loop holes in order to mess up our planet. I think we should continue with planned obsolescence because it keeps the economy going. We as a society are to adapt to this way of living. I strongly believe we should invent  a plastic that is bio degradable.

Mla Citation
Dannoritzer, Cosima, i C. J. Úbeda, Patrice Barrat, Molly Malcolm, Marc M. Sarrado, Georgia Wyss, Marta Andrés, and Joan P. Gil. The Light Bulb Conspiracy: The Untold Story of Planned Obsolescence. San Francisco, CA: Video Project, 2011.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Weekend Post The Collapse Of An Empire

The documentary "Four Horsemen States" that every empire come crashing down every 250 something years. Another important thing mentioned in the film is that an empire is near its end when its in the age of decadence. The age of decadence is when society is obsess with glamour and sex. In the words mentioned in the film:
   "There are common features to every age of decadence: an undisciplined and over extended military, the conspicuous display of wealth, a massive disparity between rich and poor, a desire to live off a bloated state, and an obsession with sex."
The strongest  implication of an empire ending is the disbandment of currency which in fact the United States did when the got of the gold standard.

In my opinion, if the "empire" of the United States ends  the whole world will be affected. The reason I strongly believe this is because third world country's have a very strong reliance on the United States. Although there is a lot of cons I believe there is one good pro that will come from this.Third world country's will start to rely on themselves.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Spring Post 2 "Colombian Monetary System"

The Colombian monetary system is composed in the following ways: First, The Colombia monetary policies are articulated by a Monetary Board, Second, the banking operations are operated, regulated and supervised by The Banking Super Intendancy. Third, The Central Bank conducts monetary policy based on the financial sector. The Central Bank then determines the amount of currency in the system and makes other verdicts in line with indicators such as inflation and growth of the economy.
The monetary policy in Colombia according to the Banco de Republica “is to reach and maintain a low and stable inflation rate, and to achieve a long-term GDP growth trend. This is the only way to achieve sustained growth rates that will generate employment and improve the population’s quality of life. Otherwise, if the economy does not grow on a sustained basis, sooner or later a crisis will occur with serious consequences for the economy, leading to worsening social indicators, loss of public confidence, lowered investment and higher unemployment.” In conclusion the primary policy is to reach a low inflation rate and a long-term GDP. This is to to keep a sustained economic growth in order to generate employment.

I would say the Monetary system in Colombia and the U.S are similar in the aspect that both of them have a Central Bank like institution one with the US having the Federal Reserve and Colombia with a Central Bank also they both work by creating money out of debit and inflation.

MLA Citations

"Encyclopedia of the Nations." Colombia Money, Information about Money in Colombia. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2014.

"Banco De La República (Banco Central De Colombia)." Banco De La República (Banco Central De Colombia). N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2014.

Zeitgeist Addendum. Dir. Peter Joseph. Perf. Peter Joseph. YouTube., 2009. Web. 4 Apr. 2014.

Spring Post 1 " Fractional Reserve Banking"

What I understood in the film "Zeitgeist Addendum" Fractional Reserve Banking is a system under which bankers keep as capital only a portion of the funds the hold on deposit. For example the reserve requirement for a bank is only 10% this means that with a ten million dollar deposit, 10% or 1 million is held as the obligatory reserve, while the other 1 million is considered an unwarranted reserve and can be used as the basis for new loans.

Now of course, it is logical to accept that this 9 million is literally coming out of the existing 10 million dollars deposit. However, this is actually not the situation. What really occurs is that the 9 million is simply produced out of thin air, on top of the existing 10 million dollar deposit (Zeitgeist Addendum).In conclusion, money created out of dept/inflation and and out of thin air.

In my opinion the Fractional Reserve banking system makes no sense. Banks are essentially loaning out money to people that doesn't exist. I believe the best economic system is the one with a set amount of currency. For example, one based on gold or silver coins this way the value of the currency is stable. A system where the money equals dept is dumb.

MLA Citation
Zeitgeist Addendum. Dir. Peter Joseph. Perf. Peter Joseph. YouTube., 2009. Web. 4 Apr. 2014.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Weekend Post 1 "Food inc" and "Economic Hit Man"

1. How does Food Inc relate to issues of RACE, and ECONOMIC or CORPORATE control (as in Economic Hit Men)? We have been exposed to many ideas these last few weeks. Think of all the issues in the RACE film, CONFESSIONS of an ECONOMIC HIT MAN and in FOOD INC. 
IDENTIFY 3 ways these films and issues overlap. Address this relationship. 

"Food Inc's" relation to race and economic control in contrast to "Economic Hit Men" is very similar. In the film "Food Inc" it is mention that large industry's control most of the worlds food. In Economic Hit Men   it is also mentioned that large corporations control most of the worlds politics and economics.The similarity being economic control of course. To continue, "Food Inc" and "Economic Hit Men" are very similar because in both  the film and the book it is mention that large industries/ corporations offer a solutions to a problem. 

Last but no least, in "Food inc they offer farmers seeds and better equipment in "Economic Hit Men" they offer third world countries a chance to industrialize. however, here is were the problem and the biggest similarity  between "Food Inc" and "Economic Hit men" lies . The objective of the food industries and the corporations is to place farmers and countries in debt. This allows the industries and corporations to  have farmers and countries on an economic leash.

Mla Citations

Food, Inc. Dir. Robert Kenner. Magnolia Pictures, 2008. Documentary.
Perkins, John. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. New York: Plume, 2006. Print.